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This notice of invitation to prequalify is issued in line with Regulation no 29 and 38 of the Public Procurement Regulations 2019.
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001: Economist/Team Leader
Deadline for Submitting EOI: 06-Jul-2020
This notice of invitation to bid is issued in line with Regulation no. 29 and 38 of the Tongan Public Procurement Regulations 2019
The Public Finance Management Act (PFMA) section 9 (2) stipulates that the "The authority to expend money or incur expenses or liabilities under an Appropriation Act lapses at the end of the financial year to which that Act relates"
Therefore, as we approach the end of this unprecedented Financial Year(FY), Ministry of Finance (MOF) wishes to seek all Ministry/Department/Agency (MDAs) kind assistance in ensuring the following procedural requirements and deadlines are met.
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Completely drive standardized initiatives with principle-centered ROI. Progressively aggregate emerging content rather than leveraged bandwidth and tech-enabled innovative materials with a touch of uniqueness.