Budget Statement 2017-2018

‘Oku ou fiefia ke fakahoko atu heni ‘a e fakamatala patiseti hono tolu ‘a e Pule’anga lolotonga′. Ko e patiseti 2017/18, ko e me’angāue mahu’inga ia ki hono fakahoko ‘o e ngaahi tu’utu’uni ngāue′ pehē ki he ngaahi palani′ ‘o fakatatau ki he ivi fakapa’anga ‘oku ala ma’u′, ka e fakatefito pē ‘i he ngaahi ngāue ‘oku fakataumu’a ki he tupulekina ‘a e fonua′ fakalukufua.

Budget Statement 2017-2018

I am very pleased to present the third Budget of the current Administration. The 2017/18 budget, as the vehicle for implementing government policies and transmitting plans into actions through necessary fiscal space, remains focused on diversifying the economy towards achieving sustainable broad-based inclusive growth. This budget constitutes an integral part of the annual corporate planning and budgeting processes for government which aims at “A more progressive Tonga supporting a higher quality of life for all” as the prescribed national impact under TSDF II.

Budget Statement 2015-2016

Ko e uluaki Patiseti „eni „a e Pule‟anga Fo‟ou hono uaʹ hili „a e liliu fakapōlitikale ne kamata he 2010. Ko e moto „o e fonua: “Ko e „Otua mo Tonga ko hoku Tofi‟a” kuoʹ ne tataki lelei mai „a Tonga pea „oku hoko ko e makatu‟unga „oku fa‟u ai „a e Patiseti „o e ta'uʹni. . „Oku poupou ki heni „a e malohinga „o e Fa‟unga Palani fo‟ou „a Tonga 2015-2025 ke: “ Paotoloaki „a e Fakalakalaka ke fakalekesi e mo‟ui ki he taha kotoa”

Budget Statement 2015-2016

This is the first budget delivered by the second government administration following the political reform initiated in 2010. Our national motto: “God and Tonga are my inheritance” has served Tonga well over the years and that it provides the foundation for this year‟s budget. This is supported by impact for the Tonga Strategic Development Framework 2015-2025:“A more progressive Tonga supporting a higher quality of life for all”.

Budget Statement 2014-2015 Tongan Version

Ko e Patiseti ko ení, ‘oku hangē ko e ngaahi ngāue kotoa ‘a e Pule’angá, ‘oku fakama’unga ki he moto ‘o e fonua: “Ko e ‘Otua mo Tonga ko hoku Tofi’a.” ‘Oku poupou ki heni mo e taumu’a ngāue ‘a e Pule’angá “Ko e Hoa Ngāue - Pule’anga mo e Kakai ke langa fakataha ‘a e tu’unga faka’ekonōmika mo e nofo ‘a e kāinga ‘i he sōsaieti”. Ko e taumu’a ‘o e Patiseti ko ení, ‘oku langa hake mei heni: “Ke toe fakalelei’i ange ‘a e fakahoko ngāue mo e taliangi ‘a e Pule’angá ki ha ola ‘oku lelei ange ma’á e kakai ‘o Tonga ‘o fou ‘i he Fengāue’aki fakataha mo e hoa ngāue”.

Budget Statement 2014-2015

This Budget, like all work of Government, is founded on our national motto: “God and Tonga are my inheritance”. This is supported by the Government’s theme “The Partnership – Government and People Together Building the Economy and Society”. The Budget theme builds on this: “Improved Government Delivery and Accountability for better Results for the people of Tonga through Partnership”

Budget Statement 2013-2014

Na’e hoko ki he lakanga ‘a e pule’anga lolotonga ‘i ha taimi na’e kei fakaakeake ai ‘a e ‘ekonomika mei he to lalo fakamamani lahi mo e tu’unga veiveiua fakalotofonua, mo hono tali ‘o e ngaahi nunu’a ‘o e no lahi ne fakahoko ki hono langa ‘o Nuku’alofa. ‘I he taimi tatau, kuo hiki hake ‘e he ngaahi liliu fakapolitikale mahu’inga ‘oku lolotonga hoko ‘a e ‘amanaki ‘a e kakai.

Budget Statement 2013-2014

This administration took office at a time when the economy was still recovering from the global crisis and domestic instability, and coming to terms with the consequences of the large debt it had inherited for the reconstruction of Nuku’alofa. At the same ti

Budget Statement 2012-2013

Na’e kamata ‘a e Pule’anga fo’oú ni ‘i Sanuali 2011 ‘i he taimi na’e feinga ai ‘a e fonuá ke fakaakeake mei he ngaahi uesia ‘o e palopalema faka’ekonomika fakamamani lahí pea mo e fakalotofonuá. Talu mei ai ne mau fo’u leva ‘a e Palani Fakahoko Ngaue Fakalakalaka ‘a Tongá (Tonga Strategic Development Framework-TSDF) 2011-2014 ke tataki ‘aki kimautolu ki hono fakahoko ‘o e ngaahi ngaue ma’ae kakaí, mo e feinga ke lava ‘o matu’uaki ‘i he taimi faingata’a faka’ekonomika mo fakapa’anga lolotonga ni.

Budget Statement 2012-2013

The new Government came into power on January 2011 at a time when the economy was trying to recover from the effects of the global crisis and domestic instability. Since then we have established the Tonga Strategic Development Framework (TSDF) 2011-2014 to guide us on the delivery of services to the people, and how to cope within the context of our current difficult economic and fiscal situations.