Budget Performance Report October
Budget Performance Report_October month
Budget Performance Report_October month
Budget Performance Report_July month_final
Budget Performance Report_August month_final.
Koe test pe eni ia kuo update hake he website
The contents of this report constitute technical advice provided by the staff of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to the authorities of Tonga (the “TA recipient”) in response to their request for technical assistance.
Mr. Chairman, Mr. President of the World Bank Group, Madame Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, Fellow Governors, Distinguished delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen, It is truly a great honour and privilege for me, as Minister of Finance and Governor of the Bank and the Fund for Tonga, to have this opportunity to address the International Monetary Fund (IMF or Fund) and World Bank Group (Bank or WBG) Joint Board of Governors 2020 Virtual Annual Meetings on behalf of the Government of the Kingdom of Tonga.