BE IT ENACTED by the King and Legislative Assembly of Tonga in the Legislature of the Kingdom as follows:
- This Act may be cited as the 2021/22 Appropriation Act 2021 and shall be deemed to come into effect on 1 July 2021.
- There shall be issued from public money and applied to the service of the year ending the thirtieth of June, Two Thousand and Twenty Two, any sum or sums not exceeding the sum of Four Hundred and Ninety Nine million, Two Hundred and Twenty Two Thousand and Three Hundred pa’anga for defraying the charge of the Government of Tonga for such period.
- Money appropriated under this Act may be expended only in relation to the purposes set out in this Act.
- The Minister of Finance shall issue and make funds available according to this Act and in accordance to the cash flow forecasts agreed between the head of the entity responsible for the Vote and the Minister of Finance.
- The authority to expend cash or incur expenses or liabilities under this Act will lapse on 30 June 2022.
Passed by the Legislative Assembly this 10th day of June 2021.
Please find attach for more information regarding Program Budget of the Government of Tonga, For the Year Ending 30th June 2022
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