The Public are hereby notified, that as we are approaching the end of the financial year, the TREASURY COUNTER of the Ministry of Finance will have extended opening hours from 4.30PM to 7.00PM on the following days. Tuesday 21st June, Thursday 23rd June, and Monday 27th of June 2022. For Wednesday 29th and Thursday 30th June, the Treasury will OPEN to the Public up to 8PM in the evening. Please note – that during this period – the Treasury Counter, will be closed during the lunch hour from 12.30PM to 1.30PM. Therefore, the Businesses and the Public may collect Voucher payments from the Treasury Counter during the normal working hours and the extended hours as stated above. Respectfully, Ministry of Finance ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Fanongonongo ki he Hou`eiki mo e Kainga `o e fonua. Kataki `o fakatokanga’i ange `i he `amanaki ke tapuni `a e Ta`u Fakapa`anga, `i he `aho 30 Sune 2022, ko e Kanita fakahoko fatongia `a e Fale Pa`anga – Treasury, mei he `aho Tusite 21 Sune ki he `aho 23 ‘o Sune, `e hokohoko atu e fakahoko fatongia `i he taimi ngaue anga maheni (tukukehe a e houa ma`ume`a tokoni ho`ataa) `o toki tapuni he taimi 7 efiafi `i he ngaahi `aho ngaue ko eni: Tusite 21 Sune, Pulelulu 23 Sune mo e `aho Monite 27 `o Sune. Ko e `aho Pulelulu 29 `o Sune mo e `aho Tu`apulelulu 30 `o Sune - `e toki tapuni `a e Kanita Fale Pa`anga – he taimi 8 efiafi. Ko ia, ke fakatokanga`i `e he ngaahi Pisinisi mo e kainga `oe Fonua `a e fakalahi ki he taimi fakahoko fatongia `a e Kanita `a e Fale Pa`anga - Treasury `o kamata he Tusite 21 `o Sune mo e ngaahi `aho `oku haa atu `i `olunga Malo mo e faka’apa’apa atu, Potungaue Pa’anga.
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