Among 30 young leaders from Fiji, Samoa, Tuvalu, and Tonga who received New Zealand Short Term Training Scholarships (NZSTTS) under the He Manawa Titi Programmme for 13 weeks are Principal Accountant Ms. 'Ailine Taumoha'apai and Senior Accountant Ms. Ane Taufa of the Ministry of Finance.
The programme was offered as a part of New Zealand Dawn Raids Apology and created for a Cohort of young leaders between the ages of 25 and 35, with an equal representation of men and women throughout the four participating countries. The program's schedule combines online study and coaching from home countries with leadership training, practical learning, and well-being training in New Zealand. According to the schedule, the Cohort is currently in Wellington, New Zealand for two months.
The Program is a unique leaders capacity building programme that is delivered by the Wellington Uni-Professional in association with the Skills-Consulting Group on behalf of the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade. The programme is specifically designed to:
- Enable young leaders to develop skills in good governance and leadership;
- Support the kaupapa of the Dawn Raids reconciliation process;
- Assist young leaders to develop further, as they progress in their careers;
- Equip young leaders to work towards positive sustainable development outcomes in their home countries;
- Emphasise inclusion and empower participants.
According to Ms. Taumoha'apai, this is an ideal program for young, aspiring leaders like herself because it will not only enhance her understanding of leadership from various perspectives, particularly from the perspective of the Pacific Islands, but it will also give her other helpful skills like communication and negotiation abilities. For her daily existence, as well as for her family, community, and the Government as a whole, these skills are essential. She hopes to learn a lot more at the end of the program.
Ms. Taufa believes that being a leader is really difficult, but from what she had learned so far, the world does not demand that you prove yourself or take on a different identity. Every aspect of life has standards, and it is our responsibility as a leader to uphold them so that our team members will do the same. She is aware that the purpose of the leadership training is to improve the leadership in our region. However, knowing yourself or your home base is crucial if you want to succeed as a leader among the Pacific Islanders. She is looking forward to learning additional decision-making techniques to build her leadership skills.
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